Hey Richview family and friends,

The leadership at Richview Church are happy to share that we have brought on board a part-time Executive Administrator. We were looking for someone who could help us navigate considerable organizational, facility, and administrative challenges, especially as we head towards a facility renewal. As providence would have it, we found the right fit in one of our members here at Richview, Phil Maruncic. I wanted to give him an opportunity to introduce himself to you! What follows is a written interview with our new Executive Administrator.

Phil, we want to get to know you a little bit. Can you tell us about yourself? What are some fun facts about you? What are some of your interests and pursuits?

Well, I am a blessed and proud father of 4 wonderful daughters, 3 awesome son-in-law’s (another 1 who is auditioning for the role) and 5 beautiful grandkids! Covid forced an early, but welcome, retirement after a 30 year career in the casino industry which included a 20+ year stay in Las Vegas. Educationally, I earned a BA, MBA and a PhD in Biblical Counseling. I enjoy motorcycle riding and have so for about 50 years. Unfortunately, Toronto traffic, road conditions and incredibly high insurance rates put a pause on that endeavour. However, I passionately follow MotoGP racing and live vicariously through many of the talented riders in the sport. Being born and raised in Windsor, occasionally referred to as South Detroit, I am a loyal Red Wing, Lions, Tigers and Pistons fan…This may be sacrilege to some Torontonians! Then again, my dad was a Habs fanatic, my brother a Leafs fan, so I grew up in a divided hockey household!  But I vividly remember my dad taking me to the old Tiger Stadium and Olympia Arena to watch the games…such fond memories.

Can you tell us about your spiritual journey?

I was drafted into the Roman Catholic religion at an early age. Living 2 doors down from a church that happened to be focused on my parent’s ethnicity, my mom volunteered me to serve as an altar boy around the age of 7. Fast forward many years, and my disillusionment lead me on a path of discovery. It is with some irony that I was saved in a place known to the world as Sin City! I joined an evangelical church where I served as a Greeter, Usher, Deacon, Elder, served on the Christian school board, taught New Believer classes and wrote articles for a Christian Counseling website. I truly enjoyed serving and being part of a vibrant Christian community. Also because of my love of riding, I was a member of a Christian Motorcycle Club and we ministered to the outlaw motorcycle community. Even with all that, one thing I have learned is that you can never stop growing in your faith. It truly is a lifelong pursuit!

How are you gifted for the role of Executive Administrator?

Educationally and from a career perspective, I have gained a significant amount of administrative experience and prayerfully this knowledge of business and financial matters can be useful in ministry. I believe much of it translates seamlessly to a church environment but there are obvious differences between the corporate and church worlds. I will be working with Pastor Tyler, the Elders and Deacons to determine responsibilities and projects that I will be responsible for.

What excites you about the future of Richview Church?

My relocation to Canada occurred less than a year before the covid lockdowns. I attended a few churches and eventually, like everyone, was forced to attend online. That’s where and how I found Richview. The moment I attended a live service I fell in love with the people and leadership. It is such a welcoming family from the minute you enter the doors for a Sunday service to the sense of belonging in the Community Groups. Pastor Bob does an amazing job with the groups and I would strongly encourage you to participate in one. The Elders, Deacons, volunteers and staff are such a passionate, committed group of people. Finally, the Richview Church family is very blessed to have a Lead Pastor in Tyler. The richness, passion and emotion of his messages cause you to look inward and search your soul. This rare combination of likeminded, enthusiastic, and Lord led Christians leads me to believe that Richview will enjoy a long, sustained and bright future. With everything the church offers it is truly putting teeth into the mission statement: Joyfully leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus.

How can we pray for you and partner with you?

I welcome and thank you for your prayers! For my family, health and in my role as the Executive Administrator!