In our church’s 2021 Bible reading plan, we are presently in Revelation where we read:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” – Revelation 1:8

You probably know this, but each Covid-19 variant is named after a letter of the Greek alphabet. God titles Himself using the Greek alphabet as well. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last. This is meant to illustrate God’s eternal nature, His almighty power, and His sovereignty over all things.

To me, God’s title of Alpha and Omega serves as a reminder that no matter how many variants of Covid-19 we have to suffer through over the years to come, God still rules. He is the Alpha and the Omega over delta, omicron, epsilon, and whatever else may come. He is the Beginning and the End, the First and Last, the One who is, was, and is to come. We can trust Him.

Only a few weeks ago, Covid-19 didn’t seem like much of a conversation anymore. How things can change! I simply want to remind everyone that the church will continue to follow the guidelines set for us by the municipal, provincial, and federal governments. We intend to do our part, and so we hope that each of you will do yours. As of today (Dec. 21), our services are open to the public so long as we maintain 2-metres distance from other households and wear masks. Please read the e-mail updates we send out so that we can inform you of changes. 

Thankfully, should you need to stay home because of sickness or the possibility of exposure to Covid-19, we have a tremendous stream team who works diligently to provide our services online. Wow, are they ever great!

May God’s Spirit give us renewed resolve to trust Him, to persevere in loving one another, encouraging one another, and strengthening one another through whatever means possible in this difficult time.

Bless ya, and Merry Christmas!

Tyler S.