The elders have been working on a document over the last several months called the “Statement on Biblical Morality.” We are planning to host a Richview Church Forum on Sunday October 24 at 6:30pm at the church in order to create a dialogue and discussion over the document. Anyone will be allowed to attend and pray with us, but only members will be allowed to contribute to the discussion. In this dialogue, we hope to get great feedback on the document (to be released later on) and to sharpen its wording. At some later meeting, this document will be put to a vote.

What is the Statement on Biblical Morality?
This is a document that explains and clarifies what Richview Church believes about certain areas of Christian obedience that need clarification. We already have a Statement of Faith which outlines our core biblical-theological beliefs, and this document builds on that in outlining certain areas of biblical obedience.

It is divided into several sections which speak on the following issues: Christian Ethics; Marriage, Divorce, and Sexuality; Racial Equality; The Sanctity of Life; Gender and Sex; and Forgiveness and Restoration. It seeks to outline and give a biblical defence of Richview Church’s stance in each area.

Why these issues? These are issues that need clarity in our present cultural moment, and are of deep concern within the Body of Christ. Other categories may be added to this document as needed later on.

Why do we need a Statement on Biblical Morality? Why now?
There was a time when everyone took for granted what the Bible teaches on, for instance, sexual morality. But time’s have changed and there is no such consensus on these issues, even among evangelical churches. The elders believe that, in order to protect orthodoxy and to ensure that our membership understands and affirms what the Bible teaches, we need this document to clarify our theological positions, especially in controversial areas where there is no longer church-wide uniformity. It is no longer enough to say “we follow the Bible” in our culture, because the Bible is now open to all sorts of new-age, culturally modern, liberal, and post-modern interpretations. “Following the Bible” or “Following Jesus” can mean so many different things in our day.

In essence, this document says what we believe the Bible teaches about certain issues and allows people to consider and affirm our stance before coming into membership. It intends to bring clarity and transparency. Of course, the Bible and its interpretation has been widely debated over the centuries, and those important discussions will continue. We are always open to the Holy Spirit giving us greater biblical clarity.

How will the document be used?
This document is both a teaching tool and a guidepost. It will make Richview Church’s positions on culturally controversial areas clear and transparent to members and prospective members alike. No surprises.

This document will be added to our Membership Package. Whenever someone wants to become a member at Richview, they will be required to affirm Richview Church’s positions on these issues, and they will do so by giving their signature. This way, Richview makes herself less vulnerable to in-house theological division and the possibility of legal battles later on. You may have heard news of a number of churches going through undue hardship and division because it was unclear what the church believed about certain culturally controversial issues. Imagine if, for instance, a large number of people joined our membership without having to affirm that marriage is between a man and a woman. Should the culture continue in the direction it is going, you could imagine that the majority of these new members would be affirming of same-sex marriages. Over the course of time, these new members could form a large enough and influential enough percentage of our voting membership that Richview Church might indeed affirm that same-sex marriages ought to be performed at Richview. This document seeks to prevent that possibility.

Has Richview Church changed theological positions on anything in the document?
The answer is: No. Everything in this document simply seeks to clarify our positions. Nothing in it represents a departure in the way we have traditionally viewed the Bible’s teaching on any particular issue. If you are a member, and anything in the document turns out to be a surprise to you, or if you want further clarification or discussion on an issue, then please attend the Forum so that we can work this through as a united body.

My hope is that you would be praying alongside us for wisdom and biblical clarity as we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ and His good and perfect design for our lives. We will be sure to release the Statement long before the October 24 forum so that you can digest it fully for discussion.


Tyler S.